Monday, July 6, 2009

Fults Resident Wins TMCF Drawing

Tammy Vogt of Fults is the second June Think Monroe County First “Super Consumer” drawing winner. Fults has won a massage, ionic foot bath, and an emotional freedom technique session from Vibrant Health and Mind in Waterloo. The package is valued at $120.

Her winning ticket was drawn at Lucille’s Draperies in Waterloo.

In July, Think Monroe County First is pulling out all the stops by hosting a POWER WEEK, July 19th-26th in conjunction with the Monroe County Fair. During POWER WEEK, consumers can enter to win a “Super-Sized Taste of Monroe County” prize. This “Super-Sized” prize will be made up of products and services donated by local businesses.

Consumers will receive one chance to enter for every $100 of purchases made at any Monroe County businesses during the month of July. To enter the drawing, consumers must present their receipts between 5 and 8 p.m. any evening during fair week, July 19th-26th, at the Think Monroe County First booth in the Commercial Building. Receipts must show the name of the Monroe County business where the purchase was made and may be combined to reach the $100 requirement. No photocopies or reproductions will be accepted and receipts will be stamped when verified. If you do not plan to attend the fair, you may send your receipts with someone else to enter for you.

Local businesses wishing to donate items for the “Super-Sized Taste of Monroe County” prize can contact Nora Feuquay at 939-8681 ext. 309 or 618-363-9386 or or Jane Kolmer at 939-5755. To donate, businesses do not have to be a participating Think Monroe County First Program business. Donating businesses will be listed as a donor in the ongoing marketing of this campaign. Visit to see the list of prizes.

Watch your local newspapers--the Monroe County Clarion, Monroe County Independent and The Republic-Times--for coverage on winners as well as the next "Conscious Consumer" feature. To take the pledge to Think Monroe County First and for more information on the program visit or . You can also learn more about the Monroe County Economic Development Council at .

Another way to become involved is to contact U of I Extension Unit Educator, Community and Economic Development, Nora Feuquay at 618-939-8681 ext. 309,, or a member of the Monroe County Economic Development Council at 618-939-8681 ext. 216.

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